Wanna take your life from flat to full?

Most women wait until they “clear everything off their plate” before they allow themselves to do anything fun.  Whole Enchilada Coaching will show you how having fun along the way actually helps you enjoy your work and find free time.

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Hey there, I'm Darcy

Since 2020, I’ve been helping women see their options and stop letting time, money, partners, or kids stop them from walking barefoot in the grass, taking in movies solo, or randomly spending a month in Spain.

My goal is to help you stop the tug-of-war with yourself so you can start creating loving relationships and Instagram-worthy memories!

Work with me

You deserve more fun
and fewer regrets!

Now that your career goals have been pretty much achieved and other commitments are no longer driving your calendar, maybe you’re no longer sure “what to do with yourself?”

Maybe your kids are about to head out on their own or maybe they’ve been out for a while and you’re left wondering “what’s next for me?”

Answering these questions can be easier than you think.

I’m here to help!

Let’s hop on a call to help you tap into what you want and also see a clear path to get it.

You’ll leave the call with some clarity around what could be next for you.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.


Real Clients

I’ve come a long way since working with Darcy. I originally reached out to her for help with weight loss but quickly realized that she was helping me with things that were so much more important than that. I am so much more at peace with me because Darcy helps me think about things so differently. She helps me dig deeper into my thoughts during our weekly meeting or after a message. I’m so grateful for her.


My work with Darcy is centered around deconstructing diet mentality, literally letting go of the bill of goods we have been sold as women that are based in non truths. If you had asked me if I still held some of these beliefs, I would have scoffed and said,”no”.  However, Darcy is a skillful listener and asks just the right questions to unearth these beliefs, just below the surface.

Who knew the work would be about reclaiming my sense of self apart from weight or size? Working with Darcy is leading me home to the sanctuary of myself and freeing me of so many limiting beliefs. She does this with compassion, grace, insight and humor.


Working with Darcy is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for myself. Instead of my usual I-want-to lose-weight goal she has helped me identify and specify what I really want: make better decisions for myself, not from fear but from improved self-care. She’s there with me for the daily struggles and uncannily is always able to recognize my wins even when I don’t! If you are looking for an attentive, compassionate, smart and savvy coach who will help you get out of your own way then you owe it to yourself to work with Darcy.


You really CAN have
the Whole Enchilada!

What do you do for fun?

How long did you have to think about that before answering?

If you took longer than 30 seconds, that probably means your needs and wants have been on the back burner for so long that you’re not even sure what they are anymore.

               Whole Enchilada Coaching will help you take back the reins of your life and                                       start doing the stuff you’ve always wanted to!